Manipulation of file pointers
Write a C++ Program of Manipulation of file pointers in File Handling. Here’s simple Program of Manipulation of file pointers in File Handling in C++ Programming Language.
Below is the source code for C++ Program of Manipulation of file pointers in File Handling which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System to produce desired output as shown below :
/* C++ Program of Manipulation of file pointers in File Handling */ #include<iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; int main() { fstream fp; char buf[100]; int pos; // open a file in write mode with 'ate' flag"C:\\Users\\acer\\Documents\\file4.txt", ios :: out | ios :: ate); cout << "\nWriting to a file ... " << endl; fp << "This is a one line" << endl; // write a line to a file fp << "This is a another line\n" << endl; // write another file pos = fp.tellp(); cout << "\nCurrent position of put pointer : " << pos << endl; // move the pointer 10 bytes backward from current position fp.seekp(-10, ios :: cur); fp << endl << "Writing at a random location "; // move the pointer 7 bytes forward from beginning of the file fp.seekp(7, ios :: beg); fp << " Hello World "; fp.close(); // file write complete cout << "\nWriting Complete .... " << endl; // open a file in read mode with 'ate' flag"C:\\Users\\acer\\Documents\\file4.txt", ios :: in | ios :: ate); cout << "\nReading from the file ... \n" << endl; fp.seekg(0); // move the get pointer to the beginning of the file // read all contents till the end of file while (!fp.eof()) { fp.getline(buf, 100); cout << buf << endl; } pos = fp.tellg(); cout << "\nCurrent Position of get pointer : " << pos << endl; return 0; }
/* C++ Program of Manipulation of file pointers in File Handling */ Writing to a file ... Current position of put pointer : 46 Writing Complete .... Reading from the file ... This is Hello World his is a anothe Writing at a random location Current Position of get pointer : -1 Process returned 0
Above is the source code for C++ Program of Manipulation of file pointers in File Handling which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System.The Output of the program is shown above .
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