Learn Java: An Easy And In-Demand Programming Language

By | 12.04.2022


Java is becoming more significant as a programming language as the world becomes more reliant on mobile apps and convenience. Java is now widely regarded as the most diverse and powerful programming language available. One of the most important reasons for this is that it is considerably easier to learn than other programming languages. 

Java Developers have one of the largest worldwide communities and are preferred for excellent documentation by fresher and working professionals. Since 2000, Java has never failed to bring amazing development and great opportunities for both organizations and students. 

Table of contents:

  • What are Java & its features?
  • Applications of Java
  • Opportunities for certified Java person
  • Conclusion

What are Java and its features?

Java is one of the widely reliable and most preferred programming languages. Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented, and platform-independent programming language. It’s a piece of software that runs on billions of devices, including laptop computers, mobile phones, game consoles, medical equipment, etc. Java is based on the C and C++ programming languages in terms of ideas and syntax.

A compiled general-purpose programming language for developers who want to write once and run everywhere. It is a platform-independent programming language that works on the principle of WORA – write once run anywhere. The goal of the Java programming language is to make it portable, secure, and easy to learn. But the advantages don’t stop there; the popularity of this language is growing as a result of the following outstanding features.


  • Simple: Java is very easy to learn and understand. It has removed the most complicated features like pointers, operator overloading, etc., as seen in other programming languages, and has a feature of automatic garbage collection for unreferenced objects.


  • Object-oriented: It is called object-oriented programming language because everything in Java is an object that possesses some state and behaviour.


  • Platform- independent: Java’s most important characteristic is its platform independence. Unlike other languages, which must be compiled on a machine particular to the platform, java code may be written once and run anywhere. Instead, Java code is compiled into bytecode, which may execute on any platform, including Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc.


  • Secured: We can create virus-free systems with the help of Java. Because there are no explicit pointers and the java program runs within a virtual machine sandbox.


  • Distributed: It makes it easier for users to construct Java distributed applications. In order to develop distributed applications, RMI or EJB are utilized. This Java capability allows us to access files by calling methods from any system connected to the Internet.


  • Portable: It allows you to move Java bytecode from one platform to another. It does not require any form of implementation since it is a platform-independent programming language.


  • Multi-threaded: By defining many threads, we can design Java applications that handle multiple tasks at once. The benefit of multi-threading is that each thread does not take up memory. It has a shared memory space. The multi-threaded feature of Java is essential for Web applications, multimedia etc. 


  • High-performance: The use of bytecode, which can be quickly transformed into native machine code, allows Java to attain great performance.


  • Dynamic: Java is a dynamic programming language. It allows classes to be loaded dynamically, i.e. classes are only loaded only when they are called. It also supports functions from the languages in which it was developed.


Applications of Java: 


  • Mobile applications: 

Android runs the majority of today’s phones and smart devices, and Android development is impossible without Java. J2ME, a cross-platform framework for developing mobile apps for Java-enabled smartphones and feature phones, is a component of the Java programming language. Java classes are converted to bytecode by the Java compiler, then executed by the Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) and Android-specific virtual machine (VM).


  • GUI applications:

Java is one of the easiest tools to use for the development of any desktop program. Frameworks like Swing, Java FX and Abstract Windowing assist Java to develop engaging GUIs. On the other hand, AWT has a variety of pre-assembled components such as menus, lists, and buttons. Swing is a graphical user interface widget toolkit that includes advanced features such as scroll pane, trees, panels, and lists.


  • Web applications:

Web applications are also written in Java. It provides extensive set support for web applications via Struts, Servlets and JSPs. Servlets and JSPs are server-side components that aid in the development of logical features of any web application. JSP extends the functionality of the servlet; however, being more capable than the servlet.


  • Enterprise applications:

The Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) platform provides API and runtime environment features for scripting and running enterprise software, network tools, and web services in the Java programming language. “Approximately 97 percent of enterprise applications use Java for large-scale software development,” according to Oracle Corporation. Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition) is an API that gives developers the tools to build enterprise-scale, multi-tiered, scalable, dependable, distributed, and secure network applications. Java applications can be easily scaled, which allows the extensive growth of users on the business web application.


  • Scientific applications:

Developers of software see Java as the primary weapon when it comes to scientific coding computations and mathematical procedures. Also, the programs developed with Java are extremely safe and quick. The most well-known application, MATLAB ( Mathematical Laboratory), also uses Java to power both the front end (interactive user interface) as well as the back end (a core part of the system) development.


  • Cloud applications:

Cloud computing refers to the on-demand delivery of IT resources, such as storage, servers, databases, networking, and software, through the Internet with a remuneration pricing model. Java today is employed for the development of most SAAS, PAAS and LAAS applications.


  • Gaming applications:

Java has proven to be one of the most effective platforms for creating 2-D games. Almost everyone nowadays owns an Android phone with Android games installed, and Java is required to develop Android games. The open-source most capable 3D Engine, the jMonkeyEngine, supports Java and offers unrivalled capacity when it comes to building 3D games. However, garbage collection cycles could create noticeable pauses during games; eventually, that will be resolved in future JVM versions.

Opportunities for Certified Java person:

If you want to work as a Java developer, you must dedicate yourself to professional development and acquiring relevant skills that meet the job description. Being a certified Java developer is the cherry on top. If you’re applying for a career as a website or application developer, is it enough to merely demonstrate that you have the skills, or do you also need to be a known expert by adding more.

Certification in Java can help you perform certain roles and responsibilities like:

  • Java-based application design
  • Implementation
  • Maintenance
  • Participating in all stages of the development process
  • Writing code that is tested, scalable, efficient, etc.
  • Managing the development of Java and Java EE applications
  • Assuring those designs adhere to standards
  • Preparing and producing software component releases
  • Creating stipulations from requirements
  • Encourage continual progress.


  1. ForFresher: As the industry has a huge demand for Java developers, tight competition has also been brought. To stand out from the crowd, joining any organization or working on a live project is always suggested as soon as possible. Learning Java can help you jump into the work of coders. 


Requirement: A bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, or a related subject is required.


Salary structure: A java developer’s average annual income for a fresher is $293,272.


  1. For Experienced: People who have a minimum of 2 years or more experience have more job 

opportunities and higher pay. As you already have some prior skills along with an introduction to Java development experience, they get many job opportunities like senior java developer and product manager, etc.


Requirements: Knowledge of Java Application Frameworks is essential (Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring Boot); working experience in an Agile context is a plus.


Salary Structure: The average annual salary for a java developer with experience is $1,396,371.


  1. Java for Startups: Java is essential for today’s startups and small businesses in a variety of ways. Knowing Java can help you grow faster as many development agencies do not have enough team members and often hire freelance developers to outsource development services. You can either offload the whole project or take up parts to develop. Also, you can either work as a freelancer or build a team to start your agency. 

Do you have a tech-based business plan? Do you have a wish to create your own business? It is easier to attain if you have java abilities.

Businesses create more revenue with a shorter turnaround time by creating feature-rich and smart mobile applications. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are utilizing Java to create non-enterprise custom software with similar capabilities but superior quality and security. Learning Java will help you develop your own product and hire a good professional for your startup.


By 2024, the global development community is predicted to grow by 28.7 million people. In addition, 63.1 percent of programmers said they would continue to code in Java. The Java programming language is used to create the Android operating system, which runs on most smartphones worldwide. Java is the language of choice for online applications in many enterprise organizations due to its durability, ease of use, cross-platform capabilities, and security. Strategic planners are especially impressed by Java’s flexibility to adapt to new use cases. These are some of the reasons why Java will not be phased out in the future, and you should not doubt your thoughts about learning Java now.

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About Korra Shailaja

My name is Korra Shailaja working as a content contributor at MindMajix. I’m a tech enthusiast and have a great understanding of today's technology. I am an expert in writing content on demanding technologies such as Salesforce tutorial, Cybersecurity tutorial, Software Testing, QA, Data analytics, Project Management, ERP tools, etc.

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