Java Solved Programs Problems with solutions
Java Solved programs —-> Java is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It is fast, portable and available in all platforms.
This page contains the Java solved programs/examples with solutions, here we are providing most important programs on each topic. These Java examples cover a wide range of programming areas in Computer Science.
Every example program includes the description of the program, Java code as well as output of the program. All examples are compiled and tested on a Windows system.
These examples can be as simple and basic as “Hello World” program to extremely tough and advanced Java programs. Here is the List of Java solved programs/examples with solutions (category wise) and detailed explanation.
Java Solved Programs by categories…….
Java Basic Solved Programs
- Java Program to Print Hello World on Screen
- Java program to Swap two numbers using third variable
- Java Program to find Addition of two numbers by input value from keyboard
- Java Program to Swap two numbers without using third variable
- Java Program Swap Two Numbers using function
- Java Program to Check entered input is Prime Number or Not
- Java Program to Check input number is Even or Odd
- Java Program to find Factorial using While loop
- Java Program to find Reverse Number using While Loop
- Java Program to display Fibonacci Series using While Loop
- Java Program to find GCD (HCF) of Two Numbers
- Java Program to Check whether Given Number is Armstrong or Not
- Java Program to find Largest among three Numbers
- Java Program to find given number is Palindrome or Not
- Java Program to Find Sum of Digits of given Number
- Java Program to display n Prime Numbers using Exception Handling
- Java Program to print Armstrong numbers between desired Range
- Java Program to Print Floyd’s Triangle using For Loop
- Java Program to Print Pascal Triangle using Recursion
- Java Program to Perform Mathematical Operations
- Java Program to Make a Simple Calculator using switch case
- Java Program to Calculate Arithmetic Mean of N numbers
- Java program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
- Java Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Java Menu Driven Program for If, Switch, While, Do-While and For Loop
- Java program to multiply N numbers without using * operator
Java Number Solved Programs
- Java Program to find GCD (HCF) of Two Numbers
- Java Program to Check whether Given Number is Armstrong or Not
- Java Program to find Largest among three Numbers
- Java Program to find given number is Palindrome or Not
- Java Program to Find Sum of Digits of given Number
- Java Program to display n Prime Numbers using Exception Handling
- Java Program to print Armstrong numbers between desired Range
- Java Program to Print Pascal Triangle using For Loop
- Java program to generate random numbers using Random()
- Java Program to Find GCD(HCF) and LCM of Two Numbers
- Java program to find Reverse of a number
- Java program to multiply N numbers without using * operator
- Java program to find roots of quadratic equation in all cases
Java String Solved Programs
- Java Program to Print Simple String entered by user
- Java Program to Find Length of String using length() method
- Java Program to Compare Two Strings using compareTo() Function
- Java program to find and display all substrings in string
- Java Program to reverse any String
- Java Program to Copy String into Another String
- Java Program to Append(Concatenate) one string to another string
- Java Program to Swap Strings using temp variable
- Java Program to Swap two strings without using temp variable
- Java Program to Delete or Remove Vowels from string (Manual Method)
- Java Program to Sort n Strings in Alphabetical Order
- Java Program to Remove or Delete Vowels from String using Function
- Java Program to Remove or Delete Words from String using Function
- Java Program to Delete or Remove Words from String without Function
- Java Program to Check whether string is palindrome or not using Function
- Java Program to Check String is palindrome or not using String Buffer
- Java Program to Check String is Palindrome or not using Recursion
- Java Program to find Lexicographically smallest and largest substring of length k
- Java Program to Count frequency or occurrence of all characters in string
- Java Program to Count frequency of each characters using Buffered Reader
- Java Program to Count Frequency of Character in String ( 4 Methods )
- Java Program to Count Frequency or Occurrance of each Word in String
Java Arrays Solved Programs
- Java Program for Binary Search on Unsorted Array
- Java Program to input and print n elements in an array
- Java Program for Addition of Two Matrices
- Java Program for Subtraction of Two Matrices
- Java Program to find Transpose Matrix
- Java Program for Multiplication of Two Matrices
- Java Program for Linear Search on unsorted array
- Java Program to Perform Bubble Sort
- Java Program to perform Selection Sort using static function
- Java Program to perform Insertion Sort using function
- Java Program to perform Quick Sort using Static Function
If you found any error or any queries related to the above programs or any questions or reviews , you wanna to ask from us ,you may Contact Us through our contact Page or you can also comment below in the comment section.We will try our best to reach up to you in short interval.
Thanks for reading the post….
nice web but plz add creating account
please solve the qustion
Create a menu-based java program for the following queues operations using linked list:
Create a menu-based java program for the following queues operations using array:
Design a flowchart of the java program that accepts 3 integer values and display the lowest and the highest given value.
i need help
Write a program to input two arrays of size ‘m’ each. Find the sum of the elements of the two arrays in the same index and store it in the 3rd array in reverse order.
Create the class such that it reset the value of the object it is used to null its after uses in all cases using in finally statement in java exception handling
Enter a four-digit number. Break it down into numbers. Compose a new number in which from the original number all even digits less than 8 are increased by 2, and 8 is replaced by 0(java program)
Write a program that reads in from the user a character (ch), an integer (n) and another character (operator). This operator is an indication of the operation applied to (ch) and (n) entered as follows: – When (operator) character entered is ‘p’ or ‘P’, your program displays the character that comes after (ch) entered in (n) positions. – When (operator) character entered is ‘s’ or ‘S’, your program displays the character that precedes (ch) entered with (n) positions. – When (operator) character entered is ‘m’ or ‘M’, your program displays the character resulting of the multiplication of the value of… Read more »
anyone know how to solve that question
implement a multithreaded UDP server and client in java using JDK open source library 1 Client will send a number to server on tcp packet(continuous stream) 2.Server will acknowledge the request with sending back the same number(echo) 3.Client will maintain a data structure which stores un acknowledged numbers from server
class A
int a; String b; boolean c;
a=100; b=”pawan”; c=true;
void Disp()
System.out.print(a+” “+b+” “+c);
class B
public static void main(String []arga){
A r=new A();
public class TicketCost ( public static void main(String[] args) (
I Declare variables int age;
double cost;
String msge;