C++ Program to Read Write Student Details using File Handling

By | 05.01.2017

Read Write Student Details using File Handling

Write a C++ Program to Read Write Student Details using File Handling. Here’s simple Program to Read Write Student Details using File Handling in C++ Programming Language.

Below is the source code for C++ Program to Read Write Student Details using File Handling which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System to produce desired output as shown below :


/*  C++ Program to Read Write Student Details using File Handling  */

using namespace std;

// define a class to store student data
class student
   int roll;
   char name[30];
   float marks;
   student() { }
   void getData(); // get student data from user
   void displayData(); // display data

void student :: getData() {
   cout << "\nEnter Roll No. :: ";
   cin >> roll;
   cin.ignore(); // ignore the newline char inserted when you press enter
   cout << "\nEnter Name :: ";
   cin.getline(name, 30);
   cout << "\nEnter Marks :: ";
   cin >> marks;

void student :: displayData() {
   cout << "\nRoll No. :: " << roll << endl;
   cout << "\nName :: " << name << endl;
   cout << "\nMarks :: " << marks << endl;

int main()
   student s[3]; // array of 3 student objects
   fstream file;
   int i;

   file.open("C:\\Users\\acer\\Documents\\file4.txt", ios :: out); // open file for writing
    cout << "\nWriting Student information to the file :- " << endl;
    cout << "\nEnter 3 students Details to the File :- " << endl;

   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      // write the object to a file
      file.write((char *)&s[i], sizeof(s[i]));

   file.close(); // close the file

   file.open("C:\\Users\\acer\\Documents\\file4.txt", ios :: in); // open file for reading
   cout << "\nReading Student information to the file :- " << endl;

   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      // read an object from a file
      file.read((char *)&s[i], sizeof(s[i]));

   file.close(); // close the file

   return 0;


/*  C++ Program to Read Write Student Details using File Handling  */

Writing Student information to the file :-

Enter 3 students Details to the File :-

Enter Roll No. :: 1

Enter Name :: CodezClub

Enter Marks :: 99

Enter Roll No. :: 2

Enter Name :: John

Enter Marks :: 87

Enter Roll No. :: 3

Enter Name :: Max

Enter Marks :: 78

Reading Student information to the file :-

Roll No. :: 1

Name :: CodezClub

Marks :: 99

Roll No. :: 2

Name :: John

Marks :: 87

Roll No. :: 3

Name :: Max

Marks :: 78

Process returned 0

Above is the source code for C++ Program to Read Write Student Details using File Handling which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System.The Output of the program is shown above .

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Faraz ahmed

How can i find the files of output display??


I got error on 3rd line I don’t know how but it’s not fixing I tryed many time but isn’t working.