Is hotspot free with unlimited data?

By | 02.04.2022

Is hotspot free with unlimited data? You will get your question’s answer in this post. WiFi tethering, more commonly called Hotspot. It offers the ability to share your smartphone connection with any device. Just as if it were a router.

Is hotspot free with unlimited data?

Unlimited data free with Hotspot: The point is, as long as you have data on your phone, you can use the Internet using Hotspot. But when your phone doesn’t have megabytes, you can’t use the Internet using Hotspot.

What is the Hotspot for

Activating this feature of your smartphone will virtually create a router with its own network. It can be accessed through a password. The smartphone that becomes a WiFi router can be a connection spot to which it will be possible to connect with another smartphone, a tablet or perhaps a PC.

This is a very useful function for those who travel or travel often. And it is also the fastest way to provide connection to devices without having a home connection available.

How to Activate Hotspot on Android?

Activating the wifi hotspot on Android is very simple. You need to go to “Settings” – “Connections” – “Wi-Fi hotspot and tethering” and then activate the option.

The procedure of the images below was carried out by a Samsung smartphone. On other devices with different graphic interfaces (EMUI, MIUI) the procedure may be slightly different.

The procedure may also vary further depending on the version of Android used. But considering that WiFi tethering has been active since Android 2.2, the procedure hasn’t changed that much.

We recommend that you set a password for the Hotspot to make sure the connection is secure. It is strongly not recommended to remove the password. Otherwise, all neighboring devices could easily connect to your device without permission. To set a password just click once again on ” Wi-FI router ” and the following screen will open.

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