C Program to convert Prefix into INFIX
Write a C Program to convert Prefix into INFIX Expression.Here’s a Simple Program To Convert Prefix To Infix Notation using Stack in C Programming Language.
The Prefix notation is also known as Polish Notation.
Prefix To Infix Example :
Prefix String : : + A B C
Infix String : : ((A+B)C)
Algorithm :
- The Reversed Prefix Expression is pushed on the Stack.
- If the Stack is not Empty, then Pop the elements from the Stack
- If the popped character is an Operator
- Input Opening Parantheses ‘(‘ and print it on the console.
- Display popped character from the Stack.
- Input Closing Parantheses ‘)’ and print it on the console.
- If the popped character is an empty space, then print it on the console.
- Repeat the steps till the Prefix expression is not scanned completely.
Below is the source code for C Program to convert Prefix into INFIX Expression which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System to produce desired output as shown below :
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <conio.h> char opnds[50][80],oprs[50]; int topr=-1,topd=-1; pushd(char *opnd) { strcpy(opnds[++topd],opnd); } char *popd() { return(opnds[topd--]); } pushr(char opr) { oprs[++topr]=opr; } char popr() { return(oprs[topr--]); } int empty(int t) { if( t == 0) return(1); return(0); } void main() { char prfx[50],ch,str[50],opnd1[50],opnd2[50],opr[2]; int i=0,k=0,opndcnt=0; printf("Give an Expression = "); gets(prfx); printf(" Given Prefix Expression : %s\n",prfx); while( (ch=prfx[i++]) != '\0') { if(isalnum(ch)) { str[0]=ch; str[1]='\0'; pushd(str); opndcnt++; if(opndcnt >= 2) { strcpy(opnd2,popd()); strcpy(opnd1,popd()); strcpy(str,"("); strcat(str,opnd1); ch=popr(); opr[0]=ch;opr[1]='\0'; strcat(str,opr); strcat(str,opnd2); strcat(str,")"); pushd(str); opndcnt-=1; } } else { pushr(ch); if(opndcnt==1)opndcnt=0; /* operator followed by single operand*/ } } if(!empty(topd)) { strcpy(opnd2,popd()); strcpy(opnd1,popd()); strcpy(str,"("); strcat(str,opnd1); ch=popr(); opr[0]=ch;opr[1]='\0'; strcat(str,opr); strcat(str,opnd2); strcat(str,")"); pushd(str); } printf(" Infix Expression: "); puts(opnds[topd]); getch(); }
FIRST RUN :: Give an Expression = +++++abcde Given Prefix Expression : +++++abcde Infix Expression: ((((a+b)+c)+d)+e) SECOND RUN :: Give an Expression = +-435 Given Prefix Expression : +-435 Infix Expression: ((4-3)+5) THIRD RUN :: Give an Expression = ++a*bcd Given Prefix Expression : ++a*bcd Infix Expression: (a+((b*c)+d))
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Thanks for reading the post.
please provide code for without using stacks.
For above expression code is giving wrong output