Category Archives: Java Programming
Write a Java Program to Count Frequency or Occurrance of each Word in String
Java Program to Count Frequency or Occurrance of each Word in String Write a Java Program to Count Frequency or Occurrance of each Word in String. Here’s a Simple Program To Count Frequency of words in String in Java Programming Language. A word is a sequence of one or more non-space character i.e. any character other… Read More »
Java Program to Count Frequency of Character in String ( 4 Methods )
Java Program to Count Frequency of Character in String Write a Java Program to Count Frequency of Character in String. Here’s a Simple Program To Count Frequency of Character in String in Java Programming Language. Since there’s no pre-build function present in Java for calculating the occurrence of the characters or alphabets. Hence we need to… Read More »
Java Program to Count frequency of each characters using Buffered Reader
Java Program to Count frequency of each characters using Buffered Reader Write a Java Program to Count frequency or occurrence of each characters using Buffered Reader.Finding characters frequency of a String means calculating the occurrence of each alphabet present in the string. Since there’s no pre-build function present in Java for calculating the occurrence of the characters… Read More »
Write a Java Program to Count frequency or occurrence of all characters in string
Java Program to Count occurrence or frequency of all characters in string Write a Java Program to Count frequency or occurrence of all the characters present in the string.Finding characters frequency of a String means calculating the occurrence of each alphabet present in the string. Since there’s no pre-build function present in Java for calculating… Read More »
Write a Java program to find roots of quadratic equation in all cases
Java program to find roots of quadratic equation Write a Java program to find roots of quadratic equation in all cases. This Java Program To Compute Roots of Quadratic Equation makes use of If – Else Block. What is a Quadratic Equation? It is a term used in Elementary Algebra. The Standard Form of a Quadratic… Read More »
Java Program to find Lexicographically smallest and largest substring of length k
Java Program to find Lexicographically smallest and largest substring of length k Write a Java Program to find Lexicographically smallest and largest substring of length k. This problem is derived from the String section of Hackerrank in java. I like this problem, so i decided to put my solution on my site.Below is the question and solution… Read More »
Write a Java Program to Check String is Palindrome or not using Recursion
Java Program to Check String is Palindrome or not using Recursion Write a Java Program to Check String is Palindrome or not using Recursion. Here is our Java program, which checks if a given String is palindrome or not. Program is simple and here are steps to find palindrome String : Reverse the given String… Read More »
Write a Java Program to Check String is palindrome or not using String Buffer
Java Program to Check String is palindrome or not using String Buffer Write a Java Program to Check String is palindrome or not using String Buffer.In this program, it is very easy to check the given string is Palindrome or not. In this program ,First convert the String to StringBuffer. I am reversing the string… Read More »
Write a Java Program to Check whether string is palindrome or not using Function
Java Program to Check string palindrome Write a Java Program to Check whether input string palindrome or not. Below I have shared a program that will check a string palindrome in java or not. In this program I am reversing the string and then comparing the reversed string with original string. I have used Scanner… Read More »