Check Binary tree is AVL Tree or Not
Write a C Program to check if a Binary tree is AVL Tree or Not. Here’s simple Program to check if a Binary tree is AVL Tree or Not in C Programming Language.
AVL Tree
AVL tree is a self balanced binary search tree. That means, an AVL tree is also a binary search tree but it is a balanced tree. A binary tree is said to be balanced, if the difference between the heights of left and right subtrees of every node in the tree is either -1, 0 or +1.
In other words, a binary tree is said to be balanced if for every node, height of its children differ by at most one. In an AVL tree, every node maintains a extra information known as balance factor.
Balance factor of a node is the difference between the heights of left and right subtrees of that node. The balance factor of a node is calculated either height of left subtree – height of right subtree (OR) height of right subtree – height of left subtree.
- Balance factor = heightOfLeftSubtree – heightOfRightSubtree
Also Read : : C Program to implement AVL Tree and its operations
Below is the source code for C Program to check if a Binary tree is AVL Tree or Not which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System to produce desired output as shown below :
/* C Program to check if a Binary tree is AVL Tree or Not */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MAX 50 struct node { struct node *lchild; int info; struct node *rchild; }; struct node *insert(struct node *ptr, int ikey); int height(struct node *ptr); int isAVL(struct node *ptr); struct node *insert(struct node *ptr, int ikey ); int main( ) { struct node *root=NULL,*copy_root=NULL, *root1=NULL; root = insert(root, 6); root = insert(root, 3); root = insert(root, 8); root = insert(root, 7); root = insert(root, 1); root = insert(root, 4); root = insert(root, 9); root = insert(root, 10); root = insert(root, 11); if( isAVL(root) ) printf("AVL\n"); else printf("Not AVL\n"); }/*End of main( )*/ int isAVL(struct node *ptr) { int h_l, h_r, diff; if(ptr == NULL) return 1; h_l = height(ptr->lchild); h_r = height(ptr->rchild); diff = h_l>h_r ? h_l-h_r : h_r-h_l; if( diff<=1 && isAVL(ptr->lchild) && isAVL(ptr->rchild) ) return 1; return 0; } int height(struct node *ptr) { int h_left, h_right; if (ptr == NULL) /*Base Case*/ return 0; h_left = height(ptr->lchild); h_right = height(ptr->rchild); if (h_left > h_right) return 1 + h_left; else return 1 + h_right; }/*End of height()*/ struct node *insert(struct node *ptr, int ikey ) { if(ptr==NULL) { ptr = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); ptr->info = ikey; ptr->lchild = NULL; ptr->rchild = NULL; } else if(ikey < ptr->info) /*Insertion in left subtree*/ ptr->lchild = insert(ptr->lchild, ikey); else if(ikey > ptr->info) /*Insertion in right subtree */ ptr->rchild = insert(ptr->rchild, ikey); else printf("Duplicate key\n"); return(ptr); }/*End of insert( )*/
/* C Program to check if a Binary tree is AVL Tree or Not */ 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the key to be inserted : 6 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the key to be inserted : 4 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the key to be inserted : 5 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the key to be inserted : 3 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the key to be inserted : 7 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the key to be inserted : 8 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 2 8 7 6 5 4 3 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 3 The Given Binary Tree is AVL Tree. 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the key to be inserted : 2 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the key to be inserted : 1 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 2 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 3 The Given Tree is Not AVL Tree 1.Insert Tree 2.Display Tree 3.Check AVL tree 4.Quit Enter your choice : 4 Process returned 1
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You may Also Read : :
- AVL Tree Insertion Algorithm
- AVL Tree Deletion Algorithm
- AVL Tree Inorder Traversal
- AVL Tree and its operations
The given program is different from the output show it does not have any dispaly,insert option