Monthly Archives: March 2017

Write a C Program to find smallest and largest element in single linked list

C Program to find smallest and largest element in single linked list Write a C Program to find smallest and largest element in single linked list. Here’s simple Program to find smallest and largest element in single linked list in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that… Read More »

Write a C Program to count occurrences of element in single linked list

C Program to count occurrences of element in single linked list Write a C Program to count occurrences of element in single linked list. Here’s simple Menu Driven Program to count occurrences of element in single linked list in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that contains… Read More »

Write a C Program to Concatenate two singly linked lists

C Program to Concatenate two singly linked lists Write a C Program to Concatenate two singly linked lists. Here’s simple Menu Driven Program to Concatenate two singly linked lists in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that contains sequence of elements such that each element links to… Read More »

Write a C Program to Merge two sorted single linked lists

C Program to Merge two sorted single linked lists Write a C Program to Merge two sorted single linked lists. Here’s simple Menu Driven Program to Merge two sorted single linked lists in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that contains sequence of elements such that each element… Read More »

Write a C Program of single linked list with header node

C Program of single linked list with header node Write a C Program of single linked list with header node. Here’s simple Menu Driven C Program of single linked list with header node with operations like Creation, Insertion, Deletion, Display, Count, Add Node, Delete Node, Search, Reverse, etc.  in C Programming Language. What is Linked List… Read More »

Write a C Program to implement Circular linked list operations

C Program to implement Circular linked list Write a C Program to implement Circular linked list operations. Here’s simple Menu Driven C Program to implement circular linked list operations like Creation, Insertion, Deletion, Display, Count, Add Node, Delete Node, Search, Reverse, etc.  in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data… Read More »

Write a C Program to implement double linked list operations

C Program to implement double linked list Write a C Program to implement double linked list operations. Here’s simple Menu Driven C Program to implement double linked list operations like Creation, Insertion, Deletion, Display, Count, Add Node, Delete Node, Search, Reverse, etc.  in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear… Read More »

Write a C Program to implement singly linked list operations

C Program to implement singly linked list Write a C Program to implement singly linked list operations. Here’s simple Menu Driven Program to to implement singly linked list operations like Creation, Insertion, Deletion, Display, Count, Add Node, Delete Node, Search, Reverse, etc.  in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear… Read More »

C Program to find all permutations of string by Recursion and Iteration

C Program to find all permutations of string Write a C Program to find all the permutations of string using Recursion and Iteration. Here’s simple Program to print all permutations of string using Recursion and Iteration in C Programming Language. Recursion : : Recursion is the process of repeating items in a self-similar way. In programming languages, if a… Read More »

Write a C Program to convert string of numbers to an integer using Recursion

C Program to convert string of numbers to an integer Write a C Program to convert string to number using Recursion. Here’s simple Program to convert string to number using Recursion in C Programming Language. Recursion : : Recursion is the process of repeating items in a self-similar way. In programming languages, if a program allows you to… Read More »