C Program to implement double linked list
Write a C Program to implement double linked list operations. Here’s simple Menu Driven C Program to implement double linked list operations like Creation, Insertion, Deletion, Display, Count, Add Node, Delete Node, Search, Reverse, etc. in C Programming Language.
What is Linked List ?
Linked list is a linear data structure that contains sequence of elements such that each element links to its next element in the sequence. Each link contains a connection to another link.
Following are the important terms to understand the concept of Linked List.
- Link − Each link of a linked list can store a data called an element.
- Next − Each link of a linked list contains a link to the next link called Next.
Each element in a linked list is called as “Node”. Each node consists of its own data and the address of the next node and forms a chain. Linked Lists are used to create trees and graphs.
Basic Operations
Following are the basic operations supported by a list.
- Insertion − Adds an element at the beginning of the list.
- Deletion − Deletes an element at the beginning of the list.
- Display − Displays the complete list.
- Search − Searches an element using the given key.
- Delete − Deletes an element using the given key.
Below is the source code for C Program to implement double linked list operations which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System to produce desired output as shown below :
/* C C Program to implement double linked list operations */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node { struct node *prev; int info; struct node *next; }; struct node *create_list(struct node *start); void display(struct node *start); struct node *addtoempty(struct node *start,int data); struct node *addatbeg(struct node *start,int data); struct node *addatend(struct node *start,int data); struct node *addafter(struct node *start,int data,int item); struct node *addbefore(struct node *start,int data,int item); struct node *del(struct node *start,int data); struct node *reverse(struct node *start); int main() { int choice,data,item; struct node *start=NULL; while(1) { printf("\n\n1.Create List\n"); printf("2.Display\n"); printf("3.Add to empty list\n"); printf("4.Add at beginning\n"); printf("5.Add at end\n"); printf("6.Add after\n"); printf("7.Add before\n"); printf("8.Delete\n"); printf("9.Reverse\n"); printf("10.Quit\n"); printf("\nEnter your choice : "); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: start=create_list(start); break; case 2: display(start); break; case 3: printf("Enter the element to be inserted : "); scanf("%d",&data); start=addtoempty(start,data); break; case 4: printf("Enter the element to be inserted : "); scanf("%d",&data); start=addatbeg(start,data); break; case 5: printf("Enter the element to be inserted : "); scanf("%d",&data); start=addatend(start,data); break; case 6: printf("Enter the element to be inserted : "); scanf("%d",&data); printf("Enter the element after which to insert : "); scanf("%d",&item); start=addafter(start,data,item); break; case 7: printf("Enter the element to be inserted : "); scanf("%d",&data); printf("Enter the element before which to insert : "); scanf("%d",&item); start=addbefore(start,data,item); break; case 8: printf("Enter the element to be deleted : "); scanf("%d",&data); start=del(start,data); break; case 9: start=reverse(start); break; case 10: exit(1); default: printf("Wrong choice\n"); }/*End of switch*/ }/*End of while*/ return 0; }/*End of main()*/ struct node *create_list(struct node *start) { int i,n,data; printf("\nEnter the number of nodes : "); scanf("%d",&n); start=NULL; if(n==0) return start; printf("Enter the element to be inserted : "); scanf("%d",&data); start=addtoempty(start,data); for(i=2;i<=n;i++) { printf("Enter the element to be inserted : "); scanf("%d",&data); start=addatend(start,data); } return start; }/*End of create_list()*/ void display(struct node *start) { struct node *p; if(start==NULL) { printf("\nList is empty\n"); return; } p=start; printf("\nList is :\n"); while(p!=NULL) { printf("%d ",p->info); p=p->next; } printf("\n"); }/*End of display() */ struct node *addtoempty(struct node *start,int data) { struct node *tmp; tmp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); tmp->info=data; tmp->prev=NULL; tmp->next=NULL; start=tmp; return start; }/*End of addtoempty( )*/ struct node *addatbeg(struct node *start,int data) { struct node *tmp; tmp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); tmp->info=data; tmp->prev=NULL; tmp->next=start; start->prev=tmp; start=tmp; return start; }/*End of addatbeg( )*/ struct node *addatend(struct node *start,int data) { struct node *tmp,*p; tmp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); tmp->info=data; p=start; while(p->next!=NULL) p=p->next; p->next=tmp; tmp->next=NULL; tmp->prev=p; return start; }/*End of addatend( )*/ struct node *addafter(struct node *start,int data,int item) { struct node *tmp,*p; tmp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); tmp->info=data; p=start; while(p!=NULL) { if(p->info==item) { tmp->prev=p; tmp->next=p->next; if(p->next!=NULL) p->next->prev=tmp; p->next=tmp; return start; } p=p->next; } printf("\n%d not present in the list\n\n",item); return start; }/*End of addafter()*/ struct node *addbefore(struct node *start,int data,int item) { struct node *tmp,*q; if(start==NULL ) { printf("\nList is empty\n"); return start; } if(start->info==item) { tmp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); tmp->info=data; tmp->prev=NULL; tmp->next=start; start->prev=tmp; start=tmp; return start; } q=start; while(q!=NULL) { if(q->info==item) { tmp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); tmp->info=data; tmp->prev=q->prev; tmp->next = q; q->prev->next=tmp; q->prev=tmp; return start; } q=q->next; } printf("\n%d not present in the list\n",item); return start; }/*End of addbefore()*/ struct node *del(struct node *start,int data) { struct node *tmp; if(start==NULL) { printf("\nList is empty\n"); return start; } if(start->next==NULL) /*only one node in the list*/ if(start->info==data) { tmp=start; start=NULL; free(tmp); return start; } else { printf("\nElement %d not found\n",data); return start; } /*Deletion of first node*/ if(start->info==data) { tmp=start; start=start->next; start->prev=NULL; free(tmp); return start; } /*Deletion in between*/ tmp=start->next; while(tmp->next!=NULL ) { if(tmp->info==data) { tmp->prev->next=tmp->next; tmp->next->prev=tmp->prev; free(tmp); return start; } tmp=tmp->next; } /*Deletion of last node*/ if(tmp->info==data) { tmp->prev->next=NULL; free(tmp); return start; } printf("\nElement %d not found\n",data); return start; }/*End of del()*/ struct node *reverse(struct node *start) { struct node *p1,*p2; p1=start; p2=p1->next; p1->next=NULL; p1->prev=p2; while(p2!=NULL) { p2->prev=p2->next; p2->next=p1; p1=p2; p2=p2->prev; } start=p1; printf("\nList reversed\n"); return start; }/*End of reverse()*/
*************** OUTPUT *************** 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the number of nodes : 4 Enter the element to be inserted : 1 Enter the element to be inserted : 2 Enter the element to be inserted : 3 Enter the element to be inserted : 4 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 2 List is : 1 2 3 4 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 3 Enter the element to be inserted : 5 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 2 List is : 5 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 4 Enter the element to be inserted : 3 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 2 List is : 3 5 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 5 Enter the element to be inserted : 6 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 6 Enter the element to be inserted : 4 Enter the element after which to insert : 3 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 7 Enter the element to be inserted : 2 Enter the element before which to insert : 3 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 2 List is : 2 3 4 5 6 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 8 Enter the element to be deleted : 6 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 9 List reversed 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 2 List is : 5 4 3 2 1.Create List 2.Display 3.Add to empty list 4.Add at beginning 5.Add at end 6.Add after 7.Add before 8.Delete 9.Reverse 10.Quit Enter your choice : 10
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