Tag Archives: c_number

C program to find Sum of series S=1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+..….+(1+2+3+…+n)

Sum of series S=1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+..….+(1+2+3+…+n) Write a C program to find Sum of series S=1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+..….+(1+2+3+…+n).This program calculates the sum of series upto n i.e user input and produce result. In this C Program, Firstly we are going to take input integer ‘n’ from the user and then starts loops starting from 1  to n and calculate… Read More »

C program to find sum of series: 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+…..+1/N

Sum of series : 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+…..+1/N Write a C program to find sum of series: 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+…..+1/N. Here’s simple C program to find sum of series: 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+…..+1/N in C Programming Language. Numbers in C Normally, when we work with Numbers, we use primitive data types such as int, short, long, float and double, etc. The number data types,… Read More »

C Program to find the sum of Series: 1/1!+2/2!+3/3!+4/4!+….+N/N!

Sum of Series: 1/1!+2/2!+3/3!+4/4!+….+N/N! Write a C Program to find the sum of Series: 1/1!+2/2!+3/3!+4/4!+….+N/N!. Here’s simple C Program to find the sum of Series: 1/1!+2/2!+3/3!+4/4!+….+N/N!in C Programming Language. Numbers in C Normally, when we work with Numbers, we use primitive data types such as int, short, long, float and double, etc. The number data types,… Read More »

C program to find Sum of Series : 1+2+3+4+….+N using Recursion

Find sum of Series : 1+2+3+4+….+N Write a C program to find sum of Series : 1+2+3+4+….+N. Here’s a Simple program to find sum of Series : 1+2+3+4+….+N by creating Recursive and Iterative Functions in C Programming Language. Algorithm : :  First printf statement will ask the user to enter any integer value and the scanf statement… Read More »