Category Archives: Linked List Programs

C Program for Detect and Remove cycle in a single linked list

Detect and Remove cycle in a single linked list Write a C Program for Detect and Remove cycle in a single linked list. Here’s simple Program for Detect and Remove cycle in a single linked list in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that contains sequence of… Read More »

C Program to find Nth node from end of a singly linked list

Find Nth node from end of a singly linked list Write a C Program to find Nth node from end of a singly linked list. Here’s simple Program to find Nth node from end of a singly linked list in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure… Read More »

Write a C Program to split linked list into Even and Odd linked lists

C Program to split linked list into Even and Odd lists Write a C Program to split linked list into Even and Odd linked lists. Here’s simple Program to split linked list into Even and Odd linked lists in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that contains… Read More »

Write a C Program to delete duplicates from a sorted linked list

C Program to delete duplicates from a sorted linked list Write a C Program to delete duplicates from a sorted linked list. Here’s simple Program to delete duplicates from a sorted linked list in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that contains sequence of elements such… Read More »

Write a C Program to free all nodes of a single linked list

C Program to free all nodes of a single linked list Write a C Program to free all nodes of a single linked list. Here’s simple Program to free all nodes of a single linked list in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that contains sequence of… Read More »

Write a C Program to find smallest and largest element in single linked list

C Program to find smallest and largest element in single linked list Write a C Program to find smallest and largest element in single linked list. Here’s simple Program to find smallest and largest element in single linked list in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that… Read More »

Write a C Program to count occurrences of element in single linked list

C Program to count occurrences of element in single linked list Write a C Program to count occurrences of element in single linked list. Here’s simple Menu Driven Program to count occurrences of element in single linked list in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that contains… Read More »

Write a C Program to Concatenate two singly linked lists

C Program to Concatenate two singly linked lists Write a C Program to Concatenate two singly linked lists. Here’s simple Menu Driven Program to Concatenate two singly linked lists in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that contains sequence of elements such that each element links to… Read More »

Write a C Program to Merge two sorted single linked lists

C Program to Merge two sorted single linked lists Write a C Program to Merge two sorted single linked lists. Here’s simple Menu Driven Program to Merge two sorted single linked lists in C Programming Language. What is Linked List ? Linked list is a linear data structure that contains sequence of elements such that each element… Read More »

Write a C Program of single linked list with header node

C Program of single linked list with header node Write a C Program of single linked list with header node. Here’s simple Menu Driven C Program of single linked list with header node with operations like Creation, Insertion, Deletion, Display, Count, Add Node, Delete Node, Search, Reverse, etc.  in C Programming Language. What is Linked List… Read More »