C Program for Traversing a Directed Graph through DFS each vertex assigned discovery and finishing time

By | 23.06.2017

Directed Graph through DFS each vertex assigned discovery and finishing time

Write a C Program for Traversing a Directed Graph through DFS recursively, each vertex assigned discovery and finishing time. Here’s simple Program for Traversing a Directed Graph through DFS each vertex is assigned a discovery and finishing time.

Depth First Search (DFS)

Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm traverses a graph in a depthward motion and uses a stack to remember to get the next vertex to start a search, when a dead end occurs in any iteration.

It employs the following rules.

  • Rule 1 − Visit the adjacent unvisited vertex. Mark it as visited. Display it. Push it in a stack.
  • Rule 2 − If no adjacent vertex is found, pop up a vertex from the stack. (It will pop up all the vertices from the stack, which do not have adjacent vertices.)
  • Rule 3 − Repeat Rule 1 and Rule 2 until the stack is empty.

We shall not see the implementation of Depth First Traversal (or Depth First Search) in C programming language

Also Read : : C Program for traversing a Directed Graph through DFS recursively

Below is the source code for C Program for Traversing a Directed Graph through DFS recursively, with comments displayed in output which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System to produce desired output as shown below :


/*  C Program for traversing a directed graph through DFS recursively,
  each vertex is assigned a discovery and a finishing time  */

#define MAX 50

#define initial 1
#define visited 2
#define finished 3

int n;    /*Number of vertices in the graph */
int adj[MAX][MAX];
void create_graph( );

int state[MAX];
int time;
int d[MAX];
int f[MAX];

void DF_Traversal();
void DFS(int v);

int main()
        int i;

        for(i=0; i<n; i++)
                printf("\nVertex %d, Discovery time - %d, Finshing time - %d\n", i, d[i], f[i]);

                return 0;
}/*End of main()*/

void DF_Traversal()
        int v;

        for(v=0; v<n; v++)

        printf("\nEnter starting vertex for Depth First Search : ");
        for(v=0; v<n; v++)
                if(state[v] == initial)
}/*End of DF_Traversal( )*/

void DFS(int v)
        int i;

        d[v] = time;    /*discovery time*/
        state[v] = visited;
        printf("%d ", v);
        for(i=0; i<n; i++)
        state[v] = finished;
        f[v] = ++time;  /*Finishing time*/
}/*End of DFS()*/

void create_graph()
        int i,max_edges,origin,destin;

        printf("\nEnter number of vertices : ");

                printf("\nEnter edge %d( -1 -1 to quit ) : ",i);
                scanf("%d %d",&origin,&destin);

                if( (origin == -1) && (destin == -1) )

                if( origin>=n || destin>=n || origin<0 || destin<0)
                        printf("\nInvalid edge!\n");
                        adj[origin][destin] = 1;


/*  C Program for traversing a directed graph through DFS recursively,
  each vertex is assigned a discovery and a finishing time  */

Enter number of vertices : 6

Enter edge 1( -1 -1 to quit ) : 0 1

Enter edge 2( -1 -1 to quit ) : 0 2

Enter edge 3( -1 -1 to quit ) : 0 3

Enter edge 4( -1 -1 to quit ) : 1 3

Enter edge 5( -1 -1 to quit ) : 3 4

Enter edge 6( -1 -1 to quit ) : 2 4

Enter edge 7( -1 -1 to quit ) : 2 5

Enter edge 8( -1 -1 to quit ) : -1 -1

Enter starting vertex for Depth First Search : 0
0 1 3 4 2 5

Vertex 0, Discovery time - 1, Finshing time - 12

Vertex 1, Discovery time - 2, Finshing time - 7

Vertex 2, Discovery time - 8, Finshing time - 11

Vertex 3, Discovery time - 3, Finshing time - 6

Vertex 4, Discovery time - 4, Finshing time - 5

Vertex 5, Discovery time - 9, Finshing time - 10

Process returned 0

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