Print ASCII value of entered character
Write a C program to print ASCII value of entered character. Here’s simple program to print ASCII value of entered character in C Programming Language.
ASCII Character Set
Character data is represented in a computer by using standardized numeric codes which have been developed. The most widely accepted code is called the American Standard Code for Information Interchange ( ASCII).
The ASCII code associates an integer value for each symbol in the character set, such as letters, digits, punctuation marks, special characters, and control characters. Some implementations use other codes for representing characters, but we will use ASCII since it is the most widely used.
Below is the source code for C program to print ASCII value of entered character which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System to produce desired output as shown below :
/* C program to print ASCII value of entered character */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { char ch; int asciiValue; printf("Enter any character: "); scanf("%c",&ch); asciiValue=(int)ch; printf("\nASCII value of character: %c is: %d\n",ch,asciiValue); }
/* C program to print ASCII value of entered character */ *************** FIRST RUN ****************** Enter any character: r ASCII value of character: r is: 114 *************** SECOND RUN ****************** Enter any character: z ASCII value of character: z is: 122 *************** THIRD RUN ****************** Enter any character: p ASCII value of character: p is: 112
Above is the source code for C program to print ASCII value of entered character which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System.The Output of the program is shown above .
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