Check Binary Tree is Binary Search Tree or not
Write a C Program to Check whether a Binary Tree is Binary Search Tree or not. Here’s simple Program to Check if a Binary Tree is Binary Search Tree(BST) or not in C Programming Language.
What is Tree ?
In linear data structure, data is organized in sequential order and in non-linear data structure, data is organized in random order. Tree is a very popular data structure used in wide range of applications.
A tree data structure can be defined as follows…
- Tree is a non-linear data structure which organizes data in hierarchical structure and this is a recursive definition.
A tree data structure can also be defined as follows…
- Tree data structure is a collection of data (Node) which is organized in hierarchical structure and this is a recursive definition.
Every individual element is called as Node. Node in a tree data structure, stores the actual data of that particular element and link to next element in hierarchical structure.
Below is the source code for C Program to Check whether Binary Tree is Binary Search Tree or not which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System to produce desired output as shown below :
/* C Program to Check whether Binary Tree is Binary Search Tree or not */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<limits.h> struct node { struct node *lchild; int info; struct node *rchild; }; void display(struct node *ptr,int level); void inorder(struct node *ptr); struct node *Node(int item); int IsBST(struct node *ptr, int MIN, int MAX); int main( ) { struct node *root1, *root2; root1 = Node(32); root1->lchild = Node(23); root1->rchild = Node(36); root1->lchild->rchild = Node(25); root1->rchild->lchild = Node(33); root2 = Node(42); root2->lchild = Node(60); root2->rchild = Node(19); root2->lchild->rchild = Node(36); root2->rchild->lchild = Node(41); display(root1,1); printf("\n\n"); inorder(root1); printf("\n\n"); if( IsBST(root1,INT_MIN,INT_MAX) ) printf("\nTree 1 is a BST.............................\n"); else printf("\nTree 1 is not a BST.............................\n"); display(root2,1); printf("\n\n"); inorder(root2); printf("\n\n"); if( IsBST(root2,INT_MIN,INT_MAX) ) printf("\nTree 2 is a BST.............................\n"); else printf("\nTree 2 is not a BST.............................\n"); }/*End of main( )*/ int IsBST(struct node *ptr, int MIN, int MAX) { if(ptr == NULL) return 1; if(ptr->info < MIN || ptr->info > MAX) return 0; return ( IsBST(ptr->lchild,MIN,ptr->info) && IsBST(ptr->rchild,ptr->info,MAX)); } struct node *Node(int item) { struct node* tmp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); tmp->info = item; tmp->lchild = tmp->rchild = NULL; return tmp; }/*End of Node()*/ void inorder(struct node *ptr) { if(ptr == NULL )/*Base Case*/ return; inorder(ptr->lchild); printf("%d ",ptr->info); inorder(ptr->rchild); }/*End of inorder( )*/ void display(struct node *ptr,int level) { int i; if ( ptr!=NULL ) { display(ptr->rchild, level+1); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < level; i++) printf(" "); printf("%d", ptr->info); display(ptr->lchild, level+1); } }/*End of display()*/
/* C Program to Check whether Binary Tree is Binary Search Tree or not */ 36 33 32 25 23 23 25 32 33 36 Tree 1 is a BST............................. 19 41 42 36 60 60 36 42 41 19 Tree 2 is not a BST............................. Process returned 0
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